One of the things I hate about TV news is that we can be lousy at following up.  So today, as a public service,  I’m following up on a May 1994 KCRA Athlete of the Week.

Suzy Powell is going for her 3rd Olympics this weekend in Bend, Oregon, at the Olympic Track & Field Trials. 

You know how parents always say they love their children equally?  That even Steven approach doesn’t fly with me when it comes to Olympians.  There are some I’ve adored.  There are some whose names I’ve forgotten five minutes after I’ve interviewed them.  Some I’ve borderline stalked.  And a few have borderline stalked me back for more coverage. 

But, very few are like Suzy Powell.

There are two types of Olympians.  Children and grownups.  Suzy is a grownup.  But, KCRA has covered the discus diva since she was an adolescent smashing world records while a student at Downey High School.

After the trials, Suzy will know if she’s going to compete in her 3rd Olympics.   She is as composed and confident now, as she was when we profiled her for the first time 14 years ago. 

Here’s an Olympic Zone flashback to Suzy Powell…circa 1994.